February 23, 2022
The AIL Sound Walls team is very pleased to have been selected to provide sound barrier wall solutions for Sound Transit’s 8.5-mile L200 Lynnwood Link Extension, part of the overall expansion to connect Shoreline, Mountlake Terrace, Lynnwood and surrounding communities. The extension travels northward along I-5 and on the regional system that is growing to 116 miles in length.
Sound Transit moves away from 4′ metal noise barrier wall systems
This was a long-term value engineering pursuit that finally paid off for AIL Sound Walls. Sound Transit had an Acoustic Panel spec for years that only allowed for metal systems on a 4′ spacing. Together with our project partners, we presented to them several times over a two- to three-year period to prove the viability of our system that could save them time and money by opening up their stanchion spacing to 8′ with lighter-weight PVC panels that are easier to work with in the field. Their decision to change the spec was a huge win for AIL Sound Walls.
LRT sound barrier wall project used both Silent Protector and Tuf-Barrier panels
The project used our Silent Protector (Absorptive) system on its elevated guideway sections and our Tuf-Barrier (Reflective) system on its MSE retaining wall sections. In both cases, our versatile system proved easy to mount to the structures with specialized stanchions and hardware developed by the Sound transit and joint venture teams with the support of local fabricators.

PVC sound barrier walls “much easier” than previous metal systems
AIL Sound Walls handled this L200 section in conjunction with a similar-sized section for the L300 Lynnwood Link Extension, so we had to be extra organized. On this project, we contracted directly with the joint venture and their crews self-performed the installation according to our layout drawings. They loved the speed and flexibility of working with our PVC systems on an 8′ spacing versus their previous 4′ metal systems.
Pre-design and weekly progress meetings with our project partners kept everyone on the same page. We broke out our submittals and manufacturing by individual bridge structure to match the construction schedule. As each structure was approved, we produced and delivered material to be stored on-site and installed when needed. Multiple site visits garnered very positive feedback from everyone involved in the project.
AIL Sound Walls is also supplying sound barrier wall solutions for other projects on the Sound Transit expansion with the L300 Lynnwood Link Extension and the F200 Federal Way Link Extension.
Take an Animated Flyover of the L200 Lynnwood Link Extension
More about the Lynnwood Link Extension